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Te Haroto Marae

Voting paper | Te Haroto Marae Trustee Election

Te Haroto Marae | Pānui


Voting paper | Te Haroto Marae Trustee Election

The Trust, on behalf of the Te Haroto Marae Trustees, is distributing the below pānui to the iwi.

Kia ora e te whānau, koutou mā

Attached is the voting paper for the Te Haroto Marae Trustee Election. We need to elect three trustees from the nine candidates listed. Click here to access the voting paper.

The closing date for the election is 5:00 PM, Monday, 19 December 2022. Send your completed voting paper to the Returning Officer:

Results will be emailed to iwi members during the week of 19 December.

Please direct all queries to the secretary:

Ngā mihi

Toi Tawhai
THM Chair/Secretary
021 237 4143

Pānui from Te Haroto Marae Trustees

Te Haroto Marae | Pānui

The Trust on behalf of the Te Haroto Marae Trustees is distributing the below pānui to the iwi.

1 November 2022

Te Haroto Marae Trustee Elections

Kia ora e te iwi, koutou ma                                                                               

1. Elections: It’s time to elect trustees for the marae

  • Three trustees are required to make up our numbers.
  • Nominations are to be lodged with the Te Haroto Marae Secretary.
  • A Nomination Form is attached.

2. Current Trustees: Mere Clark, Tuhuiao Kahukiwa, Hinewai Crawford, and Toi Tawhai.

  • The THM Charter allows for up to seven trustees to be on the committee.

3. Duties: administer, develop, maintain, and preserve the marae.

4. Voluntary Service while this is a voluntary position, certain expenses will be reimbursed.

5. Nominations:

  • Nominees must be adult Hineuru members.
  • Nominees need to be confirmed by two adult Hineuru members – see Nomination Form.

6. Closing date for nominations: 5.00 pm, Fri 25 November 2022.

7. Please forward nominations to the secretary:

8. Voting:

  • Should there be more than three nominations, you will be sent a voting form on Mon 28 November 2022.
  • If there are three or less than three, these nominees automatically become trustees – no elections.

Please direct all queries to the secretary:

Ngā mihi

Toi Tawhai

Secretary Te Haroto Marae

Ph 021 237 4143