Resignation | Chief Executive
Chief Executive, Robyn Rauna, has formally tendered her resignation. The trustees accepted Ms Rauna’s resignation at the January meeting; her final day with the Trust was officially Friday, 3 March, though Robyn has tidied up loose ends over the last week.
Robyn made the following statement:
“I have enjoyed my time with Ngāti Hineuru and have deeply valued the relationships I have formed over the last three years. It has been my privilege to work for you all. I wish Hineuru Iwi Trust all the very best in the future!”
Accordingly, the Trust wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude and appreciation for all that Robyn has done for the iwi. Her dedication, hard work, and guidance have been invaluable to our organisation, particularly during the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic through to the various legislative challenges right up to the most recent reforms of the Resource Management Act.
Chairman, Mana Hazel, said:
“E kore e maroke i te rā i ngā au mihi ki a koe Robyn. He nui ngā mahi āu i ngā tau. Pērā i te Mate Urutā o Kōwhiore 19. Pērā anō i te Resource Management Act (RMA) kei mua i te aroaro i te kāwana i tēnei wā. He iti noa iho ngā mea kua whakahuatia engari te hōhohu o ngā kaupapa arā rā kē te mātātoru o ngā mahi! Nā reira, haere, hoki atu ki tō iwi o Te Aitanga Ā Māhaki, hoki pai atu i ngā rau aroha o Hineuru iwi”
Robyn, Hineuru Iwi Trust thanks you for your service, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the iwi. The Trust wishes Robyn well in her new role. Robyn is to become the Chief Executive of Te Aitanga Ā Māhaki.
Conversely, the Trust is pleased to announce that David Jones has been appointed the interim Chief Executive. David will not be a stranger to many; he has formerly held the role of Chief Executive for Hineuru Iwi Trust. He will provide continuity as the Trust selects a new Chief Executive. Note the recruitment process for the new Chief Executive is underway. Applications have been extended, and they now close on 22 March. Once shortlisting and interviews have concluded, the Trust will provide the iwi with an update in due time. Until then, Trust welcomes David into the role and looks forward to working with him.
Ngā mihi!
Hineuru Iwi Trust
Ps. Do you know someone who could be interested in being our new CE? If so, more information can be found here.