Hineuru Iwi Trust – Call for nominations of trustees
electionz.com has been contracted as an independent election management company to manage nomination and voting arrangements for the 2022 Trustee Election for Hineuru Iwi Trust.
Hineuru Iwi Trust is the post-settlement governance entity that manages the settlement assets of the Trust on behalf of Ngāti Hineuru iwi.
The current trustees are due to retire and an election is now required to elect seven trustees. Nominations are now sought to fill the seven vacancies on Hineuru Iwi Trust. The current trustees can stand for re-election if they choose, but must nominate in accordance with this notice.
Nominations open on Friday 5 August 2022, and close at 12 noon on Friday 26 August 2022.
Nominations must be made on the official form available from the Returning Officer by phoning 0800 666 924, or emailing nominations@electionz.com or can be downloaded from here.
All nomination forms must be signed by at least five registered members. Candidates must also submit a written statement of skills and experience and a photograph with their completed nomination form.
New membership registrations
Hineuru Iwi Trust also invites all those with appropriate whakapapa, aged 18 years and over, and who are not registered, to apply to be included on the Hineuru Iwi Trust register.
An online registration process is available from the iwi website at www.hineuru.nz. Registration forms are available on request from info@hineuru.com or by phoning the Returning Officer on 0800 666 924.
Anthony Morton
Returning Officer – Hineuru Iwi Trust
electionz.com Ltd, 3/3 Pukaki Road
PO Box 3138, Christchurch, New Zealand
0800 666 924