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Hineuru Whakapapa | Whenua & Whānau

After two very successful wānanga series, the Trust is most pleased to release the dates for the third and final wānanga block for 2024. Hineuru Whakapapa. These focus on both our whenua and whānau.

Key details:

  • Dates: 11-13 Oct, 8-10 Nov, 22-24 Nov
  • Location: Te Hāroto Marae

RSVP is essential for catering and accommodation. This can be sent to RSVPs are due by the Wednesday the week of each wānanga.

Note: The final wānanga includes a bus tour of sites of significance within the takiwā. The Trust seeks active participation at the wānanga prior to the final one. All information taught and discussed builds towards the final wānanga.