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Hineuru Iwi Trust

Wānanga – Hineuru Reo

Wānanga – Hineuru Reo

After the successful tikanga series, the Trust is pleased to release the dates for the Hineuru Reo Wānanga, three one-day wānanga hosted in Ahuriri. We have moved into town for the reo wānanga to ensure maximum attendance by whānau of all ages while avoiding the harshness of winter up home.
Key details:
  • Dates: July 6 & 27, and August 17
  • Location: 170a Waghorne Street Ahuriri
  • Time: One-day wānanga (8 AM – 5 PM)
As these are one-day wānanga, no accommodation is provided. However, we still require RSVPs for catering purposes. These can be sent to
Finally, thank you to Mana Ahuriri Trust, our whanaunga and neighbours for opening their doors and allowing us to host our wānanga in their tari – ngā mihi ki a koutou.

Hineuru Hautapu

Hineuru Hautapu

After a very successful Rangatahi Day and SGM, the Trust is pleased to invite whānau to our annual hautapu.
Key information:
  • 28 June, Te Hāroto Marae
  • Karakia & formalities start at 6 AM
If you would like the name of your loved one who has passed in the last year included during the procedures, please email this to
For catering purposes, we require RSVPs; please send these to by 21 June.

Notice of the 2024 Special General Meeting

Notice of the 2024 Special General Meeting 

The Special General Meeting of Hineuru Iwi Trust is to be held as follows:

  • Date:                  Saturday, 1 June 2024
  • Venue:               Te Hāroto Marae
  • Start Time:        11 AM

Special General Meeting Agenda

  1. Karakia;
  2. Welcome & opening address by the Chairman;
  3. Apologies;
  4. Presentation & status report update of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan;
  5. Workshop on whānau aspirations;
  6. An update from the Hineuru Education and Training Committee on the 2024 Hineuru Education Grants; And
  7. Conclusion of meeting, followed by lunch.

There are no formal resolutions to be considered at this hui. A copy of the relevant meeting documents is available upon request; please email Physical copies of the presentation will be available at the hui.

Mauri ora!
Mana Hazel | Chairman

Rangatahi Day

Rangatahi Day

The Trust invites those aged between 13 & 18 years old to register for the upcoming Rangatahi Day.
Key details:
  • 25 May at Waipunga Adventures
  • Only 30 places are available
  • Lunch and dinner provided
Transport departs from and returns to Tamatea Pak’n Save. Departure time is 7 AM, returning at 7 PM.
For health and safety purposes, attendees and their parents must complete the following form >>
The forms must be completed and emailed to by 3 PM, Friday, 17 May.

Wānanga – Hineuru Tikanga

Wānanga – Hineuru Tikanga

The Trust invites whānau to the next two wānanga; these too, will be focused on Hineuru Tikanga.

The wānanga will be hosted at Te Hāroto and start from 5.30 PM on the respective Friday.

Key Details:

  *  Wānanga # 2 | 26 – 28 April

  *  Wānanga # 3 | 10 – 12 May

These wānanga will close off the tikanga focus; the next series will focus on the reo.

Like the first wānanga, there is a cap on the number of those who can stay at the marae; if you don’t intend to stay overnight, please note this in your RSVP.

RSVPs for the second wānanga close at 5 PM, Friday, 19 April. Please send these to

Café Tarawera | Vacancy Café Assistant and Barista

Café Tarawera | Vacancy Café Assistant and Barista

  • Join a fun, successful team working hard to make the Tarawera café a success.
  • Interact with a large variety of people, being a customer service wizz.
  • Carparks available.
  • Based on SHW 5, Tarawera

About this role:

A valued staff member is going on maternity leave, so we have an exciting opportunity for a Café Assistant and barista to join our team at the Tarawera Café.

This position will be fixed term for a minimum of six months with the potential for continued employment.

We are looking for someone to start in this position in early April 2024.

This is a busy and varied role that would suit a self-motivated and customer service guru. You will be required to take ownership of providing friendly “front of house” customer service excellence to assist in maintaining our goal of 100% happy customers. The successful applicant will need to work well under pressure and have a high standard of cleanliness.

Specifically, your duties will include:

  • Meeting and greeting all café customers to take orders in a timely manner.
  • Working as a team with others to ensure that all customers’ orders are accurately processed, actioned and delivered as quickly as possible.
  • Effectively managing transactions, ensuring correct cash management.
  • Assisting with cleaning duties.
  • Opening and closing duties at the beginning or end of a shift.

The successful candidate will have the following:

  • Friendly and positive attitude, with great teamwork skills.
  • Food hygiene training/qualifications.
  • A proactive and strong work ethic.
  • Great customer service skills.
  • Previous catering or hospo experience desired.
  • Effective communication skills.

Some weekend work may be required.

The usual work hours will be scheduled from Monday to Sunday, for a total of 50 hours per week.

We’re looking for someone who can hit the ground running, so if you enjoy a challenge and are passionate about customer service, please forward your CV and cover letter by 29 March 2024 to

Applications close on 29 March 2024.

IT Error

IT Error

E te iwi, the Trust wishes to notify anyone who, in the last 24 hours, has applied to be a newly registered iwi member. IT has advised us that during this time, these registrations were not being collected due to a routine update.
This is especially relevant for those who conjointly applied for an Education Grant. If this was you and you have applied to register with the Trust in the last 24 hours, we would ask that you complete your iwi registration again. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Education Grants 2024

Education Grants 2024

Hineuru Iwi Trust and the Hineuru Education and Training Committee are pleased to announce that applications for the 2024 Education Grants are now OPEN. Applications are open until 10 PM on 31 March 2024.

The Trust and Committee understand that sometimes the pursuit of education can be a difficult and financially burdensome task. The Grants Scheme is a way that the Trust can contribute to the development of iwi members’ education while providing flexibility in how the allocated grant is spent.

The Trust looks forward to receiving this year’s applications.

The Committee has appointed Maria Rahui as the Grants Administrator. As such, she will be available to provide support to applicants. You can make contact via or phone: 027 318 9344

All applications are submitted through the online application form.

Key criteria:

  • The correct Hineuru Iwi Registration Number for the applicant.
    • You must be a registered iwi member to be entitled to a grant. If you have not registered, you will need to go to and follow the instructions.
  • Upload a Letter Confirming Enrollment from your Education Provider.
    • The only acceptable confirmation will be a letter from your respective education provider.
  • Upload a Copy of your Bank Account Details.
    • Verification evidence must clearly show your bank’s name/logo, the account name, and the account number.

NOTE: Late or incomplete applications will not be considered – this is final.

Whakapiki Wairua Day – 24 Feb

Whakapiki Wairua Day – 24 Feb

E te iwi, this year, we are continuing the Whakapiki Wairua Days for our whānau. The first is taking place on 24 Feb at Splash Planet.

Here are the details:
* When & where: 24 Feb, Splash Planet
* Whānau to arrive at 9.45 AM

At 3 PM, there will be a hangi for lunch—priority to those who attend the day.

NB: Splash Planet requires all children under five to be accompanied by an adult swimmer.

An indication of numbers is key, so RSVP by 20 Feb to