Hineuru Civil Defence Kōrero
Nau mai haere mai ki Te Haroto Marae ki te hui tahi, ki te kōrero tahi.
We would like to invite our whanau to a hui at Te Haroto Marae to present the Hineuru Iwi Trust Civil Defence Plan, and to provide whānau with an update on matters related to State Highway 5. Waka Kotahi has agreed to come and share with whānau the mahi they are doing to repair the roads and the work being undertaken to make SH5 safer.
With the agreement and support of the marae chair, this hui will be held following the Te Haroto Marae SGM.
Key details:
- What: Te Haroto Marae SGM and Hineuru Civil Defence Kōrero
- When: Saturday, 27 May 2022
- Where: Te Haroto Marae
- SGM Start: 10 AM
- Kai: 12 PM
- Civil Defence and Waka Kōtahi Kōrero – to start from 12:30 – 1 PM
Nau mai haere mai.