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Hineuru Iwi Trust maintains a register of beneficiaries in accordance with its Trust Deed. Those who whakapapa to the eponymous ancestor, Hineuru, or who are a legally adopted child of a Hineuru member are eligible to register with the Trust.

To register please fill out the form below. Afterwhich please email your proof of identity and proof of address documents to

To keep up to date with the latest information, we encourage all to register with the Trust.

Being a registered beneficiary entitles you to vote on any Trust matters put to the iwi, stand for election, and to benefit from the settlement assets that the Trust holds.

Those who do not whakapapa to Hineuru or are not legally adopted may register to be a Friend of Hineuru. This enables you to receive various communications from the Trust.

Otherwise Known As:Date of Birth:Gender:

Postal Address:

Postal Country:


Physical Address:

Physical Country:

Physical Address Postcode:

Whakapapa line:





Great Grandmother (Grandmothers Mother):

Great Grandfather (Grandmothers Father):

Great Grandmother (Grandfathers Mother):

Great Grandfather (Grandfathers Father):

Legally Adopted:

I have read the HIT Privacy Statement:

Information in my registration is true:

I am Ngāti Hineuru:


Date of Signing: